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  • mysql的分页优化 FROM CSDN
    http://blog.csdn.net/li772030428/article/details/52839987 一般刚开始学SQL的时候,会这样写 SELECT FROM table ORDER BY id LIMIT 1000, 10; 但在数据达到百万级的时候,这样写会慢死 SELECT FROM table ORDER BY id LIMIT 1000000, 10; 也许耗费几十秒 网上很多优化的方法是这样的 SELECT * FROM table WHERE id >= (SELECT id FROM table LIMIT 1000000, 1) LIMIT 10; 是的,速度提升到0.x秒了,看样子还行了 可是,还不是完美的! 以下这句才是
  • How to call private method from another class in java
    How to call private method from another class in java You can call the private method from outside the class by changing the runtime behaviour of the class. By the help of java.lang.Class class and java.lang.reflect.Method class, we can call private method from any other class. Example of calling private method from another class Let's see the simple example to call private method from another
  • drop user与delete from mysql.user区别
               drop  user 会将该用户的信息全部删掉,而 delete  只会清除user表,其他的比如db表中的信息还是存在。如果delete 后,再创建一个最小权限的用户,那么他会重用以前的权限。grant all on test.* to 'test'@'%' identified by 'test';delete  from user  where  user =test;差看db 表mysql> select * from db;+------+---------+------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-----------+------------+-----------------+----------
  • PHP yield from 生成器用法探究(二)
    继续 上次给大家讲了PHP yield 的用法,今天给大家讲讲 yield from。 看到这里来,一定是 PHP.net 看得不过瘾吧,这篇文章一定把 yield from 语法给你讲透彻。 三部曲 PHP yield 协程 生成器教程 (一) PHP yield from 生成器用法探究(二) PHP yield 协程实战—“多线程”任务调度器 语法 <?php function func() { yield from $expression; } 是的,和yield一样,这是一个生成器语法。$expression 是必须(yield 可以为空为NULL),且必须是可迭代对象。 快速





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