

很多同学在进行编程学习时缺乏系统学习的资料。本页面基于writing内容,从基础理论到综合实战,通过实用的知识类文章,标准的编程教程,丰富的视频课程,为您在writing相关知识领域提供全面立体的资料补充。同时还包含 w3c标准、w3c菜鸟、w3c验证 的知识内容,欢迎查阅!


  • php对于数据库的基本用法
    This is the first time I have been before writing in the school laboratory which is very strange is that I have been before writing C, including the development of microcontroller applications, but a chance I was exposed to Python and PHP, I found it very
  • Golang 匿名结构体及测试代码编写技巧
    这两天在学习 Golang 如何 TDD ,了解到匿名结构体切片在 TableDrivenTests 中经常用到。Writing good tests is not trivial, but in many situations a lot of ground can be covered with table-driven tests: Each table entry is a complete test case with inputs and expected results, and sometimes with additional information such as a test name to make the test output easily readable. If you ever find yourself using copy and paste when writing a test, think about whether refactoring into a tabl
  • Understanding Python
    Ok, perhaps I jest. As a Python instructor, understanding decorators is a topic I find students consistently struggle with upon first exposure. That’s because decorators are hard to understand! Getting decorators requires understanding several functional programming concepts as well as feeling comfortable with some unique features of Python’s function definition and function calling syntax. Using decorators is easy (see Section 10)! But writing them
  • garbage collection brief introduction
    Before get started, I want to tell you a joke: A few weeks ago, a conceited idiot told others that he was planning to design and implement a new programming language IN HALF A YEAR when he didn’t even understand how the runtime manages the memory! What is the conceited idiot doing now? He is writing the article you are reading. So today, I want to talk about garbage collection. language





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